Thursday 8 May 2014

Q9 - Drama - Set and Pigeons

Q9. One performance I have seen, Pigeons, which toured our school with the Royal Court in Autumn 2013, used set particularly effectively. [Insert birds eye view sketch of the scene with labels pointing our significant aspects] The visual impact of the set, gave the impression of a house through a few simple, symbolic items: the coffee table, the duvet and the lamp. This was all that was needed to conjure up the domestic setting, and the half size concrete ‘walls’ acted like a cross section allowing the audience to glimpse through the walls. The simplistic setting aided the company because they had to make sure they could set up quickly and efficiently in a range of locations. The way the set was lit, also helped the impact of the set on the audience. The wash was red giving the impression that something terrible was about to happen.

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