Friday 27 February 2015

Macbeth - Post Duncan Depression

Quote: Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? E: Rhetorical question – makes the audience aware of Macbeth’s decision Neptune’s ocean is a reference to the Greek gods, it is also hyperbole. There is too much blood to be washed away. The blood is metaphorical – it is a symbol for Macbeth’s guilt

Thursday 26 February 2015

Decisions in Macbeth - On the way to kill King Ducan

Quote: Thou marshall'st me the way that I was going; Explanation: Here Macbeth refers to the dagger that he has mentally conjured up. It is leading him towards Duncan’s room and he sees this as an omen that he should kill the king. The key word here is “marshall’st” which means to lead, the dagger is drawing Macbeth to murder. As an audience we feel that Macbeth’s mental state is…. Quote: A dagger of the mind, a false creation, Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain? Explanation: Macbeth is very aware that the dagger is an unusual, perhaps supernatural event. He describes it as a ‘false creation,’ so something that’s not real. We see how confused Macbeth is as he creates a compound word ‘heat-oppressed’ to describe his head. He is not literally hot but metaphorically he is struggling with this decision. Shakespeare present the decision to murder as a very difficult one, it’s not a choice that Macbeth takes lightly, despite his wife suggesting that it’s an easy task. By using a rhetorical question, Shakespeare is asking us as an audience at which lengths we would go to murder.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

AQA English - Persuasive Language Techniques - Foundation Paper

This text informs and persuades by using a number of language techniques. First it uses a rhetorical question. “Why don’t you…?” By using this rhetorical question, the reader is encouraged to think about whether they should take part in Sport Relief, this is persuading the reader to take part. The second technique is identifying with a celebrity. It suggests “dress up as their favourite sporting personality.” The reader is encouraged to take part as they can be creative in their choice of dress up. By focusing on your favourite celebrity, these are people that we aspire to be. Another technique is repetition. “Get in the Olympic spirit, your students could come dressed as the Olympic flag or wear the kit of different Olympic sports.” The word Olympic is being repeated, this informs the reader of the theme of the event, but it also, by making stick in their minds, persuades them to take part. The final technique I’m writing about is shocking and emotive language. “£25 could provide ten street children in India with their own bank account to save their earnings securely and work towards a brighter future.” This amount doesn’t seem like a lot to us, but it is to them. The fact they’re on the street and they’re young people like us makes us feel sympathetic towards them. The ‘Work towards a brighter future,’ makes it seem like we can change their lives with this donation.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Presentational Devices

We looked at this article and compared it to yesterday's We did a step by step in just the same way as yesterday, but we looked at presentational devices. In this question you need to compare and contrast. One presentational feature that both texts used for effect are pictures. In the first article we see Liverpool stadium, it is a shot from behind a commentary table. In the second article we see the two leading stars of 50 Shades of Grey. The pictures are relevant to the text as they show us what the article is going to be about, and give you visual information about the subject. By seeing the behind the scenes shot, it is appropriate to the article as it’s all about sport on TV and how much it costs. The film is central to the LFB’s concerns and so it is appropriate, but ironically by using a promotional picture from the film, the article also promotes 50 Shades of Grey. In contrast, article one uses graphs and tables to display its information, while in comparison article two uses bullet points to do the same job. The bar graph clearly shows how money spent has increased over the years. The bullet points are separated from the article, and while the give extra information, they are not crucial to understanding the article. I prefer the bar and doughnut graphs as it much more visual and uses colour to make it interesting. Another use of colour is in how the picture in article 2 is grey. This links appropriately because of the title of the book / film under discussion: grey. The central character is called Christian Grey. Another presentational feature in article one is its use of bold sub headings throughout the text. This technique helps break up the text and allow the reader to see each section clearly. It helps organise the long argument of the technique.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Question 3 - AQA GCSE English

Writing about Language Features Step by Step 1st - read the article - we chose this one: As you go, use your highlighter to try and identify different techniques. We found a pun, rhetorical questions, facts, opinions, alliteration, group of three, emotive language.... Decided 4 you can write well about... We decided to look at pun, rhetorical questions, facts and groups of three. Then write about them using the PQE structure. Here is what we came up with... One way the writer uses language features is to include the reader in the argument. The writer uses the technique of rhetorical questioning multiple times to keep his reader on board. ‘How can £10.2m per game be good value for money?’ The question provokes the reader to engage with the text / argument. I am eager to find out the answer and so I keep reading. Early on in the article, the writer uses a pun. ‘Changing picture for TV viewers.’ Here the humorous play on words shows two different meanings. ‘Changing picture’ could mean changing the channel, or what we expect to see on TV. The second meaning is the state of football as a game and how much it is valued, is changing. Both of these meanings are relevant, and so the pun makes us aware of this in a fun way. Always make sure that you talk about how the technique makes you respond as a reader - what job is it doing?