Tuesday 10 September 2013

Spoken Language Study - Extra Transcript!

Nancy Lam cooks Prawns and French Beans Hi I’m Nancy Lam, I’m going to cook (2) Prawns, French Beans and Coconut – imagine the taste! Ahhh! This is my fresh prawns shelled and de-vein you must de-vein your prawns. Huh, this is what’s called healthy veg (.) VEG (.) French beans delicious (.) blood chah is one of our pastes make with prawns but it’s – uh – uh I’m not telling you it smells funny but it tastes THE BEST! You - er – no alternative. This is gangan and this is my red and green chilli. And my petitie petite ah red onion my petite petitie red onion create the taste of it. And my coconut. Don’t put too much if you think it’s unhealthy. Put a bit more if you want it you want it more richer (.) tastier. You tell me I’m a good cook. Tell me and you see what you get. Mmmmmmwah! Hahaha. You catching me aren’t you? Montage of chopping. Fill your frying pan not too hot not too cold just heat enough for the oil cos this is not a stir fry (2) this is just a – a it’s almost like a stew it’s almost like a ere er umm what you call it? Er eree a stew er er a stir fry with a sauce. Your chillies your onions. And you can smell. You can see it’s not rahahahahaa like firecrackers its cook a gentle cook a bing a bing a bing very very busy. And what you do, you stir it in. Oh I wish you can smell, I really really wish you can smell. Now you can turn the fire a bit higher. You know why?

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