Thursday 24 April 2014

Hip Hop Question

Plan for Hip Hop Question You could list the argument step by step (paragraph by paragraph) Then talk about how he supports the argument OR Argument step by step and in each paragraph you could talk about how he supports it ‘The writer’s argument is that hip hop, as a genre, is improving. In the first paragraph the writer talks about how many hip hop artists are now getting older and not dying in gang land violence. He supports this by stating the different ages of Grandmaster Flash and Jazzy Jeff ‘50’ and ’43.’ These ages are older than your average pop star. Paragraph 2 In the second paragraph the writer says that the lyrics to hip hop songs are becoming more positive. He supports this by talking about the lyrics of a song which says ‘life is better.’ If you talk about something being better, then it is positive. 3 The writer talks about the ‘smart side’ to hip hop in the third paragraph.

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