Tuesday 2 December 2008

Writing to Persuade

Write a letter to a local celebrity inviting her/him to support your school in setting up a link with a school abroad.

1. Explain who celebrity is and why chosen him/her
2. Which school linked with and kind of school it is
3. What we’re trying to do to help students in Uganda
4. How our school can benefit from the link
5. What fundraising we’ve done so far
6. How celebrity can help
7. What we hope to achieve on the day
8. Thank celebrity for considering our invitation
9. Hope to hear from him/her soon

Our school is trying to set up a link with a school in Uganda to try to help them get better buildings and textbooks and so on. We have raised about £500 so far and want to get more money so they can get better teaching in future.

We thought it would help if we had a famous person supporting our fundraising, we’d like to invite you to come to a fundraising day we’re having in school in June. Their will be stalls and competitions and games for the kids and food and drink, we hope it will be a big event with loads of people there, they can spend lots of money and help us get more books so they can have better teaching in there school.

If you could open our day for us that would be really good as it would mean lots of people would come to see you and it would help us raise lots of money for the children in Uganda.

Please write and let us know if you can come.


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